i wish i could name everyone whom i’ve ever loved- but their names stay as ephemeral as i do. i remember the places, and the feelings. and the names, on the right days: victoria, to boise, to seattle, to paris, to los angeles, to ann arbor, and every city between. and i’m in love with everything and everyone. there is nothing as boundless as love. love permeates. a person who truly understands love could love anyone and anything. laying in the grass, on a warm sunny day. opening yourself to the world! this is my life. if you want to know the meaning of life, and purpose, and sentiment, it is love. it’s those places and those names. of everything that is so complicated in life, love is so simple. its beauty is in such simplicity, really- we twist love, and we make it hard. but the feeling of love abounds. love is vice, love is virtue. isn’t it really love which is next to godliness. we’ll hide and shy from it sometimes, where it’s safer, but who has ever grown from safety. not i, not you. this is my life. we just dip our toes in, but isn’t it easier to dive in. oh to live forever in the liminal space, before we feel the water. but also to live forever when we just look in. to live forever once we’ve submerged. when all of this is done, there will be nothing left, but the love we’ve felt. cynicism is easy. love is easier.
would that i could live forever flitting between complete ambiguity and absolute certainty. It is only in the transition between the two that causes pain and discomfort. There is no pain in knowing, there is no pain in ambiguity. There is only pain when we push ourselves in the liminal space between the two.
une vie
Beaucoup de jours, je vois la beauté dans tous les choses. Mais quand je ne peux pas, ça pèse lourdement sur moi. Ces jours-ci, le monde est gris. Et souvent, quand le monde est gris, je suis aussi. Et aussi, il y a des jours ou je me sens trop de bonnes choses. C’est douloureux, comment je me sens des choses. Bonheur, tristesse, beaute, douleur.